Volunteer Opportunities​
Bethany's desire to share the love of Christ with church family and community results in their frequent opportunities to volunteer in a variety of activities. These have included/include:
Sewing masks for doctors and First Responders
Preparing meals for Bethany Church Members, families, and friends
Food Pantry Donations (collected every Communion Sunday)
Donations to the local school, food bank and other collections
Angel Tree at Christmas time
Movie on the grounds
Trunk or Treat
We look forward to having you join us for any of these activities.
​To inquire about any of our volunteer opportunities

Worship Team
Bethany's worship team practices for 30 to 45 minutes during the fall, winter and spring seasons on Sunday before the morning services . They prepare an occasional special for some Sunday morning services, Christmas Cantatas, Easter music, homecoming, etc., while learning the worship music for leading the church service.
Special Music
Church family and friends that want to share special music during the Sunday morning services are invited to share their talent.